“75 Hard” is a popular mental and physical challenge created by Andy Frisella. It involves following a strict regimen for 75 days, which includes:
Two 45-minute workouts: One must be outdoors, regardless of the weather.
One gallon (3.8 liters) of water: Drinking a gallon of water daily.
Follow a diet: Stick to a healthy diet without cheating or indulging in junk food.
Read 10 pages of non-fiction: Engaging in personal development by reading daily.
Take a progress photo: Documenting physical changes throughout the challenge.
The main benefits of 75 Hard are:
Mental Toughness: The challenge is designed to build mental resilience, discipline, and willpower by pushing you out of your comfort zone and making you commit to a demanding routine.
Physical Fitness: Consistent exercise and a controlled diet contribute to improved physical health and fitness over the course of 75 days.
Habit Formation: Engaging in the challenge helps establish positive daily habits, such as regular exercise, healthy eating, and consistent self-improvement through reading.
Time Management: Juggling the various components of the challenge encourages effective time management and prioritization of tasks.
Self-Confidence: Successfully completing the challenge can boost self-confidence and a sense of accomplishment, showing that you can overcome obstacles and stick to your commitments.
Mindset Shift: 75 Hard can lead to a shift in mindset, helping you realize that you are capable of more than you thought, and that challenges can be overcome with dedication and perseverance.
- Remember that 75 Hard is quite demanding and might not be suitable for everyone. It’s important to consult a healthcare professional before starting any intense fitness or dietary regimen